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Settlements, The Red Flag, Trotskyite, Trotsky, Washington, Weapons, YouTube.
Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy!
The world is holy! The soul is holy! The skin is holy! The nose is holy! The tongue and cock and hand and asshole holy!
Everything is holy! Everybody's holy! Everywhere is holy! Everyday is in eternity! Everyman's an angel!
The bum's as holy as the seraphim! The madman is holy as you my soul are holy!
Hardly anyone remembers Napper Tandy these days, just like they forget that it was principally Protestants like him, who brought republican ideology and leadership to Ireland first. Certainly with the onset of opinion makers created by British a mainstream fascist media base in Ireland today, there are just a loyal few who remember now. This a result of the age old successful British propaganda, of divide and conquer, which they exported to all their colonies worldwide and then passed it on to their partners in the US war machine of today. It has left behind civil wars and millions upon millions of poor ordinary dead human beings in Ireland and worldwide.
The United Irishmen of Tandy's time, were on the verge of complete independence from Britain because Protestants and Catholics were united with proper leadership like Napper Tandy. The constant whispers, cultivated revisionism, propaganda and lies of the British were eventually successful in dividing ordinary people, just as they are dividing the Republican leadership with a surrender process commonly called a (peace process) today. This further fracturing of Ireland will cause more violence and is simply prolonging the process of re-uniting all Irish people again.
Napper Tandy was considered so dangerous in his time by the British, that they risked war with France just to have him arrested. Napper Tandy was similar in physical stature to that famous union workers man Jim Larkin a larger than life character, the man was reportedly seven foot tall and boasted a nose so big, that a political enemy once said it could stand for election in its own right.
A Dublin Corporation member in the 1770s, where he established a reputation for exposing corruption, he had a seat in the Irish Parliament within a very short time and as an Irish MP he came into his own. Tandy, who had identified English rule as the root cause of much of Ireland’s troubles, used his position to promote his Irish agenda, unlike the elected of today and it was this, that horrified and enraged the British.
When Irish MPs voted to congratulate to the US on its declaration of independence, it was Tandy with many enemies in high places who was identified as its leader, following which he became a target of ridicule and undisguised personal poison. This confirmed what Tandy had long believed about how the British political system operates and developed his republican ideology further, rather than silence him, it made him a real leader of his people.
His leadership in a boycott against English business in Ireland, increased their contempt.. He helped bring about the establishment of an Irish Parliament in 1782, which, for the first time in Irish history, had some real clout. Ireland was well on the way to independence and events in France helped this sense of optimism and lead it to became more republican in the real sense as developed in France and revolutionary in developmen,t unlike its revised insular form of today.
Tandy led the Dublin branch of Wolfe Tone’s United Irishmen and despite a concerted effort to have him banned from public life by the British, his popularity in his native city became a countrywide phemomena. The British howver proscribed the United Irishmen in 1795. Tandy, along with its other leaders became wanted men. He fled to America, while Tone went on to France and began organizing French support for a revolution in Ireland. By 1798 Tandy was also in France and was given command of a fleet of French ships.
Events developed to wreck Tone and Tandy’s vision. General Hoche, the main sponsor, died and Napoleon Bonaparte chose to concentrate French foreign policy eastwards. The Irish rebellion was a military disaster with Tandy’s fleet, arriving in Donegal with the fight lost in Connacht, he was forced to go to Norway (capturing two English ships on the way). In the free city of Hamburg Tandy was controversially arrested and sent back to Dublin by the British on a charge of treason.
The British establishment's media or BBC of the day, now whipped up fanatical hatred of Tandy, his reputation in France however was revolutionary. The French, regarded his deportation from Hamburg such a serious matter, that they blockaded the port and threatened war. The British surrendered. Tandy was convicted, but allowed to go into exile, and he arrived in France as a republican hero. He died in France a hero to their " revolution" but history written by English hands and mercenary Irish Catholic revisionists even more than 200 years later, still treat Napper Tandy as dangerous and a threat to their selfish interests !.
The Catholic church still trying to maintain its monopoly on their brand of republicanism today, give token mention of him. Sectarian loyalist see his memory as a threat to their interests. His memory still evokes fear and hatred among monarchists. Catholic fascists also see his memory as a threat they cannot control.. Still he is remembered in song and story by a faithful few of the common people of Ireland on both sides of the sectarian divide and the song above is just one of those that memorize his time and place.
I am still a child although I am 57 years of age. When I was a young child, I made life difficult for myself by being a rebel. I fought regularly with the school bully and rebelled against the teachers, with their form of knowledge and how they imparted it. Although I made life very difficult for myself back then, I am happy today I made the right choice. In hindsight, I wish I had been more careful and smarter about how I went about it.
Times have changed and yet some things never change, the systems demand conformity. My father always repeated the old saying, "Some people learn from books, some people learn from experience and some people never learn ". I would take exception, as I did to almost everything he said, with some people learn the hard way, to which group I would add myself. I have always struggled with what my emotions tell me, as opposed to what my brain tells me, as I daily struggle with my anger. Yes I have often been wrong but not always, in fact it alarms me sometimes how accurate my intuition can be.
Recent knowledge regarding the value of E.Q as opposed to I.Q has helped to explain some of this. The Angry Book, explaining that anger is a good warm emotion, that actually brings people closer together, as opposed to societies approach, that the internal suppression of it which breeds disease and violence, has also helped. However as this child gets older I find that staying with my feelings and checking them out with a few honest friends, which incidentally is getting more difficult these days, is far more reliable than the intellectual. I think the Celts close bond with nature gave them many insights that we have lost today.
I came across this Celtic culture video today which is a subject presently close to my heart. I have been coming across a lot of this stuff recently. I am happy that the internet and YouTube in particular have given fresh air to this complex subject.
History tends to be written by the temporary winners of wars, who tend to be violent bullies with the bulldog approach. Knowledge is born in the experience of struggle. The Roman empire along with the subsequent Brit one, seem to have operated on the basis of organized straight lines, executed ruthlessly, as opposed to the evolving webs of individual Celtic spirals. The Celts as I understand it originated somewhere in India. There is much to suggest that it was exported east and west from my travel observations.
So as the Roman Empire passed its organized violent war knowledge to the Brits, who have in turn passed it on to the Yanks, there is a lot of revised history out there, being revised by mercenary professionals, to give legitimacy and the veneer of civilization to these cultures of genocidal violence and bullying. With this in mind, I pass on this Celtic culture video, I came across today. I suggest investigateion with a rebellious attitude. The other videos around it( see link) on YouTube deserve scrutiny in my subjective humble opinion. Take what you want, leave the rest and go away and have a good argument about it, without resorting to violence.!.
"Opinions are like Arseholes everyone has got one," including me, as I was taught when my Ego was being smashed for the umpteenth time ".
"The Red Flag" was a song written by Irishman Jim Connell, in 1889, which become the song of the international labour movement, sung from Seattle to Moscow to Beijing.
As a teenager, he became involved in land agitation and joined the Irish Republican Brotherhood.
At 18 he moved to Dublin, where he worked as a casual docker, but was blacklisted for his attempts to unionise the docks.
Failing to find any other work, he left for London in 1875, where he spent most of the rest of his life.
He worked at a variety of jobs. He was a staff journalist on Keir Hardie's newspaper "The Labour Leader" and was secretary of the Workingmen's Legal Aid Society during the last 20 years of his life.
He wrote "The Red Flag" in 1889 on the train from Charing Cross to New Cross after attending a lecture on socialism at a meeting of the Social Democratic Federation. It was inspired by the London dock strike happening at that time, as well as activities of the Irish Land League, the Paris Commune, the Russian nihilists and Chicago anarchists.
The song quickly became an anthem of the international labour movement. Although he wrote it to the tune of "The White Cockade", it has come more often to be sung to the tune of "Tannenbaum."
It has echoed around the world, sung with fire and fervour, for over a century. Although a competition was held in 1925 to replace it as the Labour Party anthem in Britain and over 300 entries were received, it has not been displaced. Newly elected Labour MPs entered the House of Commons in 1945 singing it. The Rand Miners of South Africa went to the gallows singing it.
Below is a letter from Ireland, sent to Leon Trotsky in Mexico before he was assassinated by Stalinists with an Ice Pick. Nothing much has changed in Ireland for the plain people since, other than some technological advances but in fact the people are more enslaved now by a post-modern fascist media, than by the Catholic church mentioned often, in this dispatch at that time.
The political climate in Ireland is eerily similar now, as a unified resistance is disintegrating with revisionism and pro-imperialist reformist leadership in what was generally a revolutionary movement. The divisions are as always encouraged by its neighbour, the eternal British war machine and its armament "pseudo securocrat industrialiats". Unfortunately its other neighbour the US has now been thorougly trained by the British to reap vast profits as they both now use war fodder immigrants in constant Imperialist wars, Boty the US & UK still have strategic interests in Ireland. The corporate controlled English speaking media, daily conducts an onslaught of fascist, cultural, war mongering propaganda on the Irish people to ensure their interests are protected.
11 December 1938 New York City
Leon Trotsky Coyoacan Mexico DF
My Dear Leon Trotsky:
We were both very pleased to receive your note. Hortense, jokingly, says that it must all be a Stalinist plot. While she is not disinterested in politics, she is, in no sense, a political person. However, she is no bitter foe. And in her own profession, the theatre, she must pay a price for her attitudes and the stand that she has taken. Stalinist influence is permeating the American theatre, and Hortense is automatically excluded from even being considered for roles in plays by certain managements because of this fact.
Concerning “the mysteries of my style” [1], you may be amused to know that one Communist Party functionary described it, once in The Daily Worker, as “Trotskyite.” And one of the most current criticisms of my writing in Stalinist sources is that “the rationale of Trotskyism” has given a basis for his “despair,” and through that means he is degenerating.
He showed me something in Ireland that few people in Dublin know about. In the Parnell days, a terrorist organization, composed almost exclusively of Dublin workingmen was formed and named the Invincibles. The Invincibles committed the famous Phoenix Park murders in front of the vice-regal lodge, and were denounced by the Church, by Parnell, and by almost the entire Irish nation. There are no monuments in Ireland to the Invincibles. They died in isolation, some of them defiant to the end in their utter isolation. At the spot across from the vice-regal lodge in Phoenix Park, where the murders were committed, there is a patch of earth alongside of the park walk. No matter how often grass is planted over this spot the grass is torn up by the roots, and this spot of earth is left, and always, there is a cross marked into the dirt in commemoration of the Invincibles. Every week, someone – principally, I believe, one of Larkin’s boys – goes there and marks that cross. This has been going on for a long time.
In Larkin, there is something of that characteristic of defiant defeat that runs through so much of Irish history, and with it, never any real investigation of causes. But even up to today, he remains the only figure of commanding proportions in the Irish labor movement. The rest is pretty nearly all bureaucracy, tied to the tail of nationalism, enfolded in the cassock robes of the priestcraft, seeing the problems of Irish labor as an Irish question. Ireland is having something of an industrial boom. Certain sections of the Irish working class, the most advanced trade unions – which have been in existence some time – these are better paid than corresponding trade unions in England. But the country is partitioned between an industrial north and an agricultural south. In the south, de Valera is engaged in a program of industrialization. The Irish market is small, and that means that monopolies must be parcelled out to various groups or persons. When these monopolies get going, there will be resultant crises, because they will be able to supply the Irish market with a few months work and production. Also, the new factories are being spread over the country – a program of decentralization – and in many instances, factories are being set up in agricultural areas where there is no trade union strength. It is necessary to further industrialization in Ireland to have, as a consequence, sweat shop conditions. There is a small labor aristocracy and even this lives badly. And below it, poverty that reduces thousands upon thousands to live like animals in the most dire, miserable, and inhuman poverty. I saw some of this poverty. One family of eleven living in one room. The family has lived in this same room for twenty-four years. The building is crumbling, walls falling, ceiling caving in, roof decaying. The oldest in the family is nineteen, the youngest is an undernourished infant of eight months. Six sleep in one bed, three in another, two on the floor. The infant was born last Christmas eve in the bed where six sleep. The role of the Church is important. The Church tells the Irish that they are going to live for ever and be happier in heaven, and this engenders patience. There is a mystic fascination with death in Ireland. In all the homes of the poor, the walls are lined with holy pictures, those of the Sacred Heart predominating. The poor live in utter patience. They have lived in this patience ever since the heyday of Jim Larkin. In those days, at his word, they thronged the streets and threatened the power of England, and of the Irish and Anglo-Irish bourgeoisie. But no more. However, with the industrialization program, there is likely to be some enlargement of the Irish working class, and the economic factors of proletarianization, plus the resulting effects of factory work and familiarity with machines is likely to cause some changes in the consciousness of Irishmen. Familiarity with machines is likely to rub off some of the superstition, and the economic conditions will pose their problems to the Irish workers. There is possibly going to be a change in Ireland because of these factors, and some of the eternal sleep and mud-crusted ignorance is likely to go. But being an agricultural country, a poor country, a country ridden by superstition, it now sleeps, and there is a lot of talk about Ireland, and little is done about Ireland, and a characteristic attitude is sure and what is the bother. Ireland is no longer merely a victim of England, but of world economy now. Irish nationalism correspondingly has altered from being a progressive movement to a reactionary movement. Fascism could easily triumph in Ireland were fascism vitally necessary to the new rulers of Holy Ireland.
The Irish Republican Army is split into factions, some demanding emphasis on a social program, others on a national program. Stalinists are in the former group, but Stalinism is very weak in Ireland, practically inconsequential. It amounts to a few pensionaries. Ireland does not need Stalinism. It has Rome. Rome handles these problems with the necessary efficiency. Rome confuses the struggles, poses the false questions, sidetracks protests as Stalinism now does in advanced countries.
As a kind of compensation, Ireland a defeated nation has developed a fine modern literature, just as Germany, defeated and still un-unified at an earlier period, developed German philosophy. But the moral terrorism in the name of the Church and the Nation, and the parochial character of the life and of intellect in Ireland might choke the literature now. So backward is Ireland that even the American motion pictures have a progressive influence in the sense that they make the youth restless, that they produce freer and less strained relationships between the sexes, and that they give a sense of a social life of more advanced countries that is not permitted because of the state of economy in Ireland. Ireland impresses me as being somewhat parallel to Mexico, except that in Mexico there are progressive strains in the country, and in Ireland these are weak and morally terrorized. In part, this is undoubtedly because of Ireland’s lack of mineral resources and wealth, the backwardness and sleep of its labor movement, and the role of the Church. In Ireland, the Church was not the feudal landholder. Behind the scenes, the Church always fought against the Irish people, and spoke for law and order. But at one time, the Church itself was oppressed. The Church and the people became entangled in the consciousness of the Irish, and the religion question befogged the social and economic one. In Mexico, Spain, France, and Russia, the Church was more openly a part of a feudal or pseudo-feudal system. The peasants became anti-clerical because they wanted land. This did not happen in Ireland. In consequence, anti-clericalism did not take the same form. Anti-clericalism amounts to jokes at the priesthood, dislike of the archbishops, and so forth. In earlier days, it was stronger, particularly among the Fenians. But it never took the real form it took in France, Spain, etc. And so the Church has great power in Ireland today. In the most real, vivid, and immediate sense it gives opium to the people.
Poor Ireland! She is one of the costs demanded by history in the growth of what we familiarly call our civilization. There is an old poem with the lines – They went forth to battle And they always fell. And today, after having fallen so many times, Ireland is a poor island on the outpost of European civilization, with all its heroic struggles leaving it, after partial victory, poverty-stricken, backward, wallowing in superstition and ignorance.
My favorite Irish anecdote is the following. The last castle in Ireland to fall to Cromwell’s army was Castleross on the lakes of Killarney. At that time, the castle was held by the O’Donoghue. For several months, the British could not take the castle. The Irish infantry was more lightly clad than the British, and would always lead the better armored and more heavily clad British down into the bogs where their armed superiority became a handicap, and then the Irish would cut them to pieces. There was an old Gaelic prophecy that Castleross would never fall to a foreign foe until it was attacked by water. There was a proviso in this prophecy. For the lakes of Killarney empty into Dingle Bay, where the water is so shallow that foreign men of war from the sea cannot enter it. The British general heard of this prophecy. He went to Dingle Bay and built flat-bottomed boats and floated them up the lakes of Killarney. He fired one cannon shot at Castleross. And the O’Donoghue, thinking that the prophecy had been fulfilled, surrendered without firing a shot in return.
I took the liberty of writing in such detail about Ireland because I thought you might be interested in modern Ireland. They call it the “new Ireland” these days.
Hortense joins me in sending our warmest greetings to you and Natalia.
Yours, Farrell
This summer I saw Alfred and Marguerite Rosmer [2] a number of times, and they were very well. Madame Rosmer talked very often of you and Mrs Trotsky.
For more than 40 years, Israel and the U.S. have been trying to keep the Israeli nuclear arsenal a secret. It is now estimated at 80 to 200 nuclear weapons. The U.S. until now has not pressed Israel to sign the nuclear NPT, which permits only five countries the U.S., France, China, Russia and Britain to have nuclear arms.
The U.S. has opposed all regional calls for a "nuclear-free Middle East." An accord was agreed at a summit between Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir and President Nixon on Sept. 25, 1969. According to recently released documents, it is so secret that there is no proper record of it.
The Leading expert on this Mr.Avner Cohen has referred to the secret deal as "don't ask, don't tell," because it commits both the U.S. and Israel to keep Israel's nuclear arsenal asecret.
Israel has shut down a Palestinian theatre in East Jerusalem. The action prevented the closing event of an international literature festival from taking place. Police said they had a court order, after intelligence indicated that the Palestinian Authority was involved in the event. Israel has occupied East Jerusalem since 1967. This is not recognised by the international community. The British consul-general in Jerusalem , Richard Makepeace, was attending the event. "I think all lovers of literature would regard this as a very regrettable moment and regrettable decision," he said. He also said the festival's closing event would have take place at the British Council in Jerusalem.
Israeli usually takes action against any events in East Jerusalem they see as connected to the Palestinians. Saturday's opening event at the same theatre was also shut down.
Israel has annexed East Jerusalem and declares it part of its eternal capital. Palestinians hope to establish their capital in the area.
In the era of embedded media, independent journalists have become the eyes and ears of the world. Without those un-embedded journalists willing to risk their lives to place themselves on the other side of the barrel of the tank or the gun or under the airstrikes, history would be written almost entirely from the vantage point of powerful militaries, or—at the very least—it would be told from the perspective of the troops doing the shooting, rather than the civilians who always pay the highest price.
In the case of the Iraq invasion and occupation, the journalists who have placed themselves in danger most often are local Iraqi journalists. Some 116 Iraqi journalists and media workers have been killed in the line of duty since March 2003. In all, 189 journalists have been killed in Iraq. At least 16 of these journalists were killed by the US military, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. The network that has most often found itself under US attack is Al Jazeera. As I wrote a few years ago in The Nation:
The United States bombed its offices in Afghanistan in 2001, shelled the Basra hotel where Al Jazeera journalists were the only guests in April 2003, killed Iraq correspondent Tareq Ayoub a few days later in Baghdad and imprisoned several Al Jazeera reporters (including at Guantánamo), some of whom say they were tortured. In addition to the military attacks, the US-backed Iraqi government banned the network from reporting in Iraq.
A new report for a leading neoconservative group which pushes a belligerent “Israel first” agenda of conquest in the Middle East suggests that in future wars the US should make censorship of media official policy and advocates “military attacks on the partisan media.” (H/T MuzzleWatch) The report for JINSA, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, was authored by retired US Army Colonel Ralph Peters. It appears in JINSA’s “flagship publication,” The Journal of International Security Affairs. “Today, the United States and its allies will never face a lone enemy on the battlefield. There will always be a hostile third party in the fight,” Peters writes, calling the media, “The killers without guns:” http://www.alternet.org/media/140223/neocon_us_colonel_calls_for_military_attacks_on_"partisan_media"/
Mr. Obama has publicly reiterated his view on Israel's settlements in occupied Palestine, a day after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had laid it out clearly, only to have it shot down by the Israeli government. It has sent reverberations through Washington.
Mr Obama previously put Mr Netanyahu on notice, that this White House has an agenda of its own.
Israeli government spokesperson Mark Regev said on Thursday that Israel would continue to allow some construction in West Bank settlements despite US calls for a freeze on its work.
Meanwhile supporting an Israeli military state which is on a constant war footing, is costing Americans billions upon billions of tax dollars.
I wrote an article yesterday on NowPublic which was censored, which has prompted me to start this blog. I believe we in Ireland because of our experience have something positive to bring to the world from our lessons of the past.No i am not anti-semitic. I have people whom I consider friends who are Jewish but then I am not anti-Arabic either. I have been watching almost daily the violence in the middle-east on my TV screen since i was child. The recent bombardment and resulting death of over 1,300 defenceless citizens in Gaza, one third of whom are children by F16 American fixed wing aircraft reminds me of the Warsaw Ghettos and the war crimes committed against the Jewish people.The Zionist leadership are committing murder and war crimes in the name of Israel. I believe our best hope is the intelligent, enlightened Jewish people worldwide (yes, there are many) who can help bring this to an end. There are many who have a vested interest in encouraging cynicism as an excuse to do nothing.
Hilary Clinton is starting to restore America's reputation abroad after the damage to U.S. credibility by the Bush administration's policies, according to human rights campaigners. In statements over the last month, she has compared China in an unfavorable light with Iran and said the U.S. backed government in Pakistan was "abdicating" to the Taliban.
It came as a shock to many recently when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seemed to say that the Obama administration was throwing in the towel on talks with North Korea. She said talks with North Korea were "implausible, if not impossible."
Fierce criticism from far right media critics contend however, that these truths should remain unspoken. But human rights activists worldwide call Clinton's straight talk refreshing and a glimmer of hope for a more progressive American foreign policy.
What has really impressed international observers however is a statement by the US Secretary of State that there must be no exception to President Barack Obama's recent demand that Israel stop its settlement activity.
Hilary Clinton"s statement is a sharp rebuke to Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who told his cabinet on Sunday after a meeting with Obama last week, that there would be natural expansion of existing settlements "There is no way that we are going to tell people not to have children or to force young people to move away from their families," he said 'Very clear' Speaking to reporters after a meeting with an Egyptian counterpart, Hilary Clinton said that the president was "very clear" with PM Benjamin Netanyahu at their recent meeting that there should be a stop to all settlements. "Not some settlements, not outposts, not natural growth exceptions. We think it is in the best interest of the effort that we are engaged in that settlement expansion cease," Mrs Clinton said. Correspondents and human rights groups say it is the first time that any US official has stood up to Israel's expansionist policies in the Middle-East and Clinton is slowly recovering respect for American foreign policy which has been in a shambles after the Bush administration. "She's saying the things that nobody else would say but that 99% of the people in Washington agree with." said a Washinton insider.
Clinton's straight talk has raised her profile domestically and also her influence in an administration with foreign policy heavyweights, that include Defense Secretary Robert Gates, special Mideast envoy George Mitchell, Richard Holbrooke and Vice President Joe Biden.